Come ho già avuto la gioia di annunciare su Fb, da qualche giorno è nato il mio primo pronipote.
Un ragazzone di quasi 4 chili e mezzo.
Ora cosa può regalare una neo nonna-zia fanatica strickettara** ad un pronipotino??
Non oso avventurarmi in vestitini o cappellini, quindi una copertina.
Ma qualcosa di particolare, ovviamente, colori insoliti, lavorazione garbugliosa, filato sofficissimo, un po' pelosetto, stampato in toni pastello, dal grigio topo, al verde erba, al giallo sole fino al bianco.
Questo tipo di filato richiede una lavorazione semplice con.. un piccolo vezzo.
Quattro gufetti inseriti nel corpo della copertina, ultimati con bottoni che danno l'effetto "occhio".
Recently I got a new born grand-nephew. For him I have been knitting a rather large blanket, using lengthwise five different yarn balls.
This gives on printed yarn a spots effect.
The yarn is magically soft, the colours are light grey, grass green, sunflower yellow and white.
And, of course, this kind of yarn does not require complicate stitches for the colours and the working process are already giving a "busy" look.
In the body of the work, I twisted four little owls, and finished them with buttons to make the eyes.
The pictures would give an idea
of my working way.
I hope you'll like it.
This gives on printed yarn a spots effect.
The yarn is magically soft, the colours are light grey, grass green, sunflower yellow and white.
And, of course, this kind of yarn does not require complicate stitches for the colours and the working process are already giving a "busy" look.
In the body of the work, I twisted four little owls, and finished them with buttons to make the eyes.
The pictures would give an idea
of my working way.
I hope you'll like it.
** dal tedesco stricken = fare la maglia
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